Our one day Yellow Card Elevating Work Platform training program is designed for people who wish to operate elevated work platforms. Participants may complete singular or multiple machine classes, according to the type of work they will be undertaking.

Machine classes are:

  • Vertical Lift (VL)
  • Scissor Lift (SL)
  • Self-Propelled Boom (BL)
  • Trailer Mounted Boom (TL)
  • Truck Mounted Boom (TM)

Upon successful completion of the course your record of training is processed by the EWPA and you will receive an EWP Operator Licence with the proof of training and your photograph on the card.

What training do I need?

If you require the use of a boom-type elevated work platform with a height or reach of 11 metres or more, you must hold a valid National Licence to Perform High Risk Work class WP, issued by a Work Health and Safety Regulator. To be eligible for a WP class High Risk work license, you must complete the Nationally Accredited Course ‘TLILIC2005 – License to operate a boom-type elevating work platform.’

If the elevating work platform you are wanting to operate does not fall under the HRW licencing requirements outline above, you still need training to operate an EWP. This is because all states/territories except WA and Vic (see Worksafe WA and Vic for details) now have uniform Workplace Health
and Safety laws and regulations in place that place a duty of care on a Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) to ensure workplace safety.

This duty of care includes:

  • A PCBU has the primary duty of care to ensure the health and safety of workers while they are at work in the business or undertaking.
  • A PCBU is also responsible for ensuring work being carried out does not entail undue risk to the health and safety of others.

This means the PCBU must:

  • Provide and maintain a safe work environment, safe plant and structures;
  • Provide and maintain safe systems of work;
  • Ensure the safe use, handling and storage of plant, structures and substances;
  • Provide instruction, training, information and supervision; and
  • Monitor the health of workers and conditions at the workplace.

A PCBU will need to show some form of proof that the operator has been instructed on the safe use of an elevating work platform. Verbal instruction is not an effective method of training as it lacks proof of training evidence.

The Gold Card training program has been developed by the Elevating Work Platform Association (EWPA) as a means of helping industry to comply with the WHS Act.


Do you already have many of the skills that are being taught in this course? Transform Training recognises existing skills and prior learning through our Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) Program, because there is no need to learn what you already know. Talk to our staff about RPL today.


Students should also refer to the Student Information Booklet and Fee Schedules for detailed information on Transform Training’s policies and procedures including:

  • Work, health and safety
  • Fees and charges
  • Refunds
  • Grievances and disputes